In today’s era, cosmetic world is full of dealings which aim at enhancing or improving the skin appearance. Laser hair removal/reduction is one of these popular techniques among cosmetic procedures. People in almost every cities are now concerned about their looks. Whether metro cities or non-metro cities, every person have to face the issue of unwanted hair growth. Nowadays, even men are also going for the hair removal treatments to get a metro sexual look.
Living in the world where falling necklines, thin spaghetti straps and short pants top are in the fashion, everyone wants the revealing skin to be hair free. Hair removal creams and epilators do offer you a temporary solution but don’t you get tired of using them every month or regular. We at Clinic Skin Care, offer you a permanent solution for unwanted hair in the form of laser treatment.
What is Laser Hair Removal/Reduction?
Laser Hair Removal technique is one of the most advanced procedures for removal of unwanted hair it’s faster and more comfortable. Simple and permanent unwanted hair reduction solution and known to be one of the safest hair reduction option too; it is an alternative to plucking, shaving, waxing, electrolysis, or chemical depilatories. The reason why this is not called permanent hair removal is because almost invisible hair may still be left after the complete treatment.
How Does the Laser Hair Removal Procedure Work?
This laser treatment for hair removal works on the principle of selective photothermolysis (SPTL). The process is to use a specific match of wavelength & pulse duration to get the optimal effect on the targeted hair follicles. The efficacy of the procedures depends on the cause of unwanted hair and the skill of the clinic; some patients may require touch sessions after completing the complete cycle of sittings.

Laser beam first passes through the epidermal layer of skin and further to the hair follicles

Laser gets absorbed by the hair shaft and heat is generated around the hair follicle due to high beam intensity

Generated heat damages the hair follicles and impedes the hair growth, resulting in hair free skin
Areas treated with Laser For Men & Women
We treat almost every kind of unwanted hair for both Men & Women. At CLINIC SKIN CARE, our motive is to provide comfort and excellent results. We most treated the areas include face laser hair removal or facial hair removal, bikini line laser hair removal, Leg Laser hair removal. But a complete detail is given as below.
Upper Lip
For women, hair on upper lip is displeasure. There are various painful methods like wax, plucking which helps to remove hair but you have to do on regular basis. To get rid of this, more and more people are going for laser hair removal on upper lip.
No one wants the tufts of hair which are poking out of ears. Laser ear hair removal is the recent technique which can help you to get rid of these unwanted hair from the ears. This technique uses the pulse light that works to impair the hair follicle. This treatment can require multiple sessions and can be costly too.
Upper Torso
It is no furtive that you are much confident having unsightly hair on your arms, under arms, legs, back etc. having hair on your upper body can bound you to select clothes and can make you uncomfortable in daily life. Do not let the hair to be the reason for keeping your full sleeves shirt on. Repeat shaving can make skin prone to ingrown hair, cysts or dark skin with marks. Go for laser hair treatment. You can go for full body laser hair removal. First hair is smashed using laser, hair will shed out completely and pores in the skin will close making your skin smooth and silky.

Neck is quite the common part to have laser hair removal for men or women. Neck laser hair removal is the most suitable for people having light skin and dark hair. Every type of laser and IPL can be used for laser hair removal.
Cheeks & Side locks
Women have to deal with unpleasant hair and wish for clear and smooth skin. On regular basis, they have to do wax, shave and bleach to hide the facial hair. Frequent use of these can irritate the skin. Facial hair removal is a quick process. A sequence of facial hair removal treatments can be life changing and gives you confidence. You may require touch up treatments if you want to keep the hair at bay.
Several women have undesirable hair around the chin area too. Laser hair removal of chin will hardly takes 15 minutes and is a straightforward procedure.
Lower Extremity
Laser hair removal treatment works better on the area having dark, thick or coarse hair. Legs often are the best hair removal for men and women through laser treatment. As the skin is thick on legs, you will experience almost minimal pain. Apart from this, there are few experiences in life which are bumpier or awkward than getting a bikini wax. Shaving always led to ingrown hair and uneven hair growth. Laser hair removal therapy can help you to attain a smooth, attractive skin. You may require sittings for proper results but unlike waxes, you don’t have to grow your hair out stuck between sessions, and you can uphold a groomed bikini area through shaving until your next appointment.
Advantages of Laser Hair Removal over Waxing/Threading
- Very costly in long Run though Cost per session is less
- Not a permanent solution and recurrence is high
- No standards avaiable of the products used
- No precision possible for smal areas like ears
Laser Hair Removal
- Cost per session is high but very cost effective
- Near permanent results in most patients
- Completely medical procedure with standard machine & products & safe
- High percision possible for targetting specific areas and coarse hair