Hair fall Treatment

Male Pattern Hair Loss - Causes & Treatment

Whether your hair loss has just started or is currently in stages that go beyond control, with the right guidance and properly customized treatment protocols, it will be possible to get your full head of hair back!

What is Hair loss in men?

There are many people who are aware of the fact that losing up to a 100 hair a day is normal; however, there would also be many who would not be aware of when this normal hair loss turns into a more serious condition. As a matter of fact, many men suddenly notice that there is a huge bald patch on the top of their head.

Hair loss is actually a much more common problem than most people would think – but diagnosing the type of hair loss is imperative and this is something that only an experienced professional can do. There are causes to be analysed and types to be looked into, before a course of action can be decided.

Most Common Causes of Hair Loss in Men

  • Improper lifestyle, which includes unhealthy eating, stress and improper hair washing techniques
  • Imbalance of thyroid
  • Physical trauma such as an accident or surgery or chemical injuries such as acid burns
  • Medical treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation
  • Genetic disorders
  • Infectious diseases such as herpes, leprosy and tuberculosis
  • Skin diseases such as Lichen Planers and DLE

Types of Hair Loss in Men

How Does Hair Loss Progresses in Men

The Process of Diagnosis

It is crucial that a thorough physical examination be done and the history of the patient is looked into. Certain lab tests might be recommended, in order to gain a complete and comprehensive patient assessment. These tests could include:

  • Iron, total iron-binding capacity and transferrin saturation, which will allow the measurement of the exact amount of iron deficiency and detect the presence of telogen effluvium
  • Thyrotropin levels
  • A biopsy and histology might be required to detect any infections
Several Methods of Treating Hair Loss
  • Non-surgical methods: If the hair loss is not too extensive, nonsurgical methods would be a good idea. These would include hair pieces, extensions, patches, weaves.
  • Hair transplant: If the condition is male pattern baldness, wherein a part of the scalp suffers complete or near complete hair loss, then hair transplant would be a good idea. There is the option of either follicular unit transplantation or extraction. These days, hair transplants can be done without much human intervention, in the manner of automated hair transplant too.